Lines Editorial Policy and the Lines App reflect the values of its community of sports and sports gaming enthusiasts. Our editorial content strives to be highly informative and educational to our audience, especially for visitors who are new or relatively new to analyzing and predicting sporting event results. All of our content is created by informed writers with backgrounds in their subject area and reviewed for omissions or mistakes. We can not guarantee our content will be error-free, but we strive to be as accurate as possible. We call on our community to advise us of any possible inaccuracies in our editorial.

Our Vision

Lines is the go-to source for both editorial and community content centered around sports betting analysis, tips, information, and the latest best guidance on how to sports bet smartly and responsibly

Our Mission

As legal sports betting expands dramatically in the United States, there is a gap between sports betting education and information and the number of people interested in engaging in this activity. We are a nation of newer bettors. Lines’ mission is to create more informed sports bettors through our own content as well as establishing a knowledge exchange between users with common interests.

Editorial Guidelines

Our editorial team is run by individuals with many years of experience in digital publishing, editorial, and content production. Our editorial content is always marked clearly in any instances where it may be sponsored by a third party, though it is still reviewed by our staff to ensure it remains consistent with our company mission.

Our editorial staff comes from around the world, from diverse backgrounds, with a commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. While our content is educational and informative, we maintain that a heterogeneous staff provides for the most well-rounded presentation of content and materials for our readers.

Key Principles

  • Informative: our content creators strive to provide articles and guides that provide helpful learning and educational content and context for our readers.
  • Objective: our content creators strive to be as objective as possible in providing information and analysis to our readers.
  • Timely: we work to provide time relevant and routinely updated content for our readers to ensure they have the latest relevant information.
  • Independent: our inherent goal is to create smarter, more informed and responsible sports bettors only. We succeed when our readers succeed.

Editorial Independence

  • All editorial content that we publish is solely the work of our editorial staff, which consists of writers, editors, and fact-checkers.
  • Whenever possible, we rely on publicly available facts and data to bolster any findings or analysis we provide.
  • Any ratings or suggestions provided by our editorial staff is solely driven by providing best advice to our readers.

Fact-checking and corrections

  • We utilize senior reviewers who provide secondary checks on our content.
  • While we can not ensure we will be entirely error-free, we do encourage our readers to contact us with any mistakes, errors, or omissions they encounter.

If you have an issue with any of our editorial content or want to get in touch with our editorial team, please reach out to us by sending an email to [email protected]

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